I recommend Laika by Wil Wagner.
It's about the first dog put into space. They didn’t have a bring-her-home plan. She was a stray that the Russian scientists found in 1957 and they loved her and at first called her Little Curly but eventually named her Laika and took her on walks and gave her bones and a bed and toys and everything but they ended up putting her into space for a quiet sad lonely death and she died all alone without her humans that saved her and loved her. They loved her and saved her from a lonely cold awful life on the streets and then they abandoned her again to an even worse death. She was such a good little girl and she didn’t understand a single bit of it aside from the tiny bits of love she got from the scientists and wow that hurts so much. She was just a poor sweet soft furry baby and she probably looked out the spaceship window at the earth and had no idea what was happening to her and she was probably thinking about how much she loved her scientist friends and how she missed them and hoped she’d see them soon and SHE NEVER DID.